Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving Thanks is on the agenda today. After all the political strife of the last year, the economy tanking, pension plans disappearing, investments and 401Ks sliding into the black hole as the result of what we are told is a deep "recession" (I think it looks more like political manipulation and criminal acts by insiders.....but I digress) it seems that there is very little to be thankful for. But, giving time to look deeper, I was surprised and comforted for all the things I have to be thankful for after all. I hope you are able to take a moment and give thanks and express appreciation for what you have and perhaps it will give you comfort too.

I am very thankful for.......

....being here to share this holiday with my family. As a cancer survivor, I "GET IT" today is a gift!! Try to live each day as it is your last. (When life is hectic, it is easy to forget this.)

....having a warm meal to share with my family. Even more thankful at being able to prepare a meal for my family. (My mashed potatoes are to die for!)

....having my mother to call this morning and share with her an early morning laugh and getting to look forward to her arrival next week.

Side story: I miss my grumpy gruff father, and I appreciate the strength and humor that he passed down to me and my own daughters. My favorite memory of him, just before he died, I was in Tennessee taking care of him and helping my mother caring for him and cooking for both of them. One night, I baked a big batch of cookies when the house was quiet. He was pretty much bedridden by then so I stayed on California time and stayed up till the wee hours of the morning so my mom could try to sleep. After the cookies had all been baked and the last batch was laid out on the counter to cool, I laid down to try and rest. That day had been particularly rough and I was drained. Just as I was about to be drift off to sleep I heard a noise in the Kitchen. Mouse? I hoped not...something shifting in the cupboards? This isn't California, nope no earthquake. What was it? I got up to investigate. My mom was sleeping soundly. Went in to check in my was dark in the room so I couldn't really see him but was listening to his breathing. It didn't sound right. Stepped lightly over to the side of the bed for a closer look, and in the shadow of night could see he was awake. I whispered "are you okay?" and he mumbled back "uh huh". But he didn't sound right, his mouth was puffed a little. THEN I FIGURED IT OUT and said to him "HEY!! Did you get into the cookies??!" He couldn't really answer because he had a mouthful of cookies. I then said "I caught you red handed old man, you are sooo busted!" The two of us had the biggest laugh over that!! He had to really struggle to get out of bed and shuffle to the kitchen...but he did just to SNEAK a cookie!!! That memory is one of my favorites, only later did I discover it would be one of the last. I'm very thankful for that moment and memory of my dad.

I am thankful for....

....having a wonderful growing relationship with my niece Allyson, and getting to share my love of knitting with her and daughter, Hannah. OH...and hearing how they are now infecting others with handmade knits of love. (I know she will read this, ;) ) I can't wait to see Heidi's project too!!! Knit on Girls!!

....having a warm dry home to wake up in. (we are currently being pounded with rain and had a tornado warning just a bit earlier....this is unheard of in Southern California!!)

....having a loving husband who makes me laugh, puts up with my yarn, wears the sweaters that I knit him, and who on occasion makes us a fantastic fondue dinner just so that we all can knit and graze on a marathon knit Sunday! (Allyson, Hannah and I finished two projects on one of those days!!) It was fiberly fun!

....having a job, that provides the family with a small amount of security and allows us to do some of the small things we do for fun. (All too often I forget to be grateful for just having a job.)

....having a friendship with my x-husband so that on holidays and special occasions we all can celebrate and share a meal and everyone can get together and share these moments with our two daughters.

....having an extended family in Australia and getting to learn more about another culture. I'd love to share a traditional Thanksgiving Day with all of them one day. I think that they would enjoy this day as I grew up celebrating Thanksgiving.

The more I sit here and think of what I am truly thankful for, the more I have to be thankful of.

I hope that you all can find things in your life to be thankful for.

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