Another anniversary comes and goes......
About a week ago I came down with the flu. It was nothing more than your typical flu, one what makes you wonder for a few days if you'd live through it....but you almost certainly will. The question is, will your relationships and family still want you when it is all over?
Add to that, the stress of knowing that an anniversary is coming up and while you had in mind what you were going to do and the gift you were going to pick up you had not anticipated a need for a "Backup Plan" in the event that you were flat out with the flu.
The day before the Big Day, it became clear that I was not going to be in any shape to get to the mall and pick up the gift, let alone find a card that was suitable to give to Grant. However, that didn't stop Grant from teasing me and dropping hints that I was going to be thrilled and excited to wake up the next day.....increasing my frustration and irritation over my situation.....why I just couldn't wait to find out what the "anniversary fairy" was leaving me!!
It was then in that heightened irritated flu induced frustration that the following conversation took place:
Grant: "I have to run to the store to ummmm, well....I just need to go to the store."
Me: "Great, go then."
Grant: "Do you want me to get anything for you....I mean......aside from what I'm going to the store for you want something?" [insert a smuggly smirk]
Me: "Nope"
Grant: "Nothing? I can easily pick something up while I'm out".
OKAY....that was it!
ME: "YES!! While you are out could you stop at the Hallmark Store and pick up an Anniversary card..a NICE one, not a lame one....and one that is really sweet that says all the crap you'd want to hear from me! If it is loaded with sweet romantic crap, THAT would be the one to buy so I can give it to you tomorrow! Don't you dare come home without a great card because I don't want to look like an ass not having a card for you on our Anniversary, damnit!"
Grant: [slowly backing away from me, eyes wide.....and after he determines to be a safe distance away......breaks out in an uncontrollable laughing fit!!!]
You know that silly bastard still didn't get me a card to give to him on our anniversary!!!!? I won't let him forget that either!!!
Meanwhile....I was able to capture Jillian with the camera wearing a little cardigan I knitted/crocheted for her.
In keeping with the family tone this week Jillian said "FINE!! You can take my picture, but don't get my face it it!"
I think we could pass as one of those TV families!!
Happy Anniversary! Is it actually on the 5th? Our is, we just celebrated 19 years!
Happy 19th Anniversary to you! Our anniversary is actually March 4th and this was our 3rd. 2nd marriages for both of us.
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